SilverTalks: Our blog

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IRR Explained: Why is it important in Investing?

IRR Explained: Why is it important in Investing?

The Internal Rate of Return (IRR) is a key tool in the world of investments, as it answers a crucial question: is this project profitable? In this #SilverTalk, we’ll explore what IRR is, why it’s a valuable metric for evaluating investment alternatives, and how to use...

What is the Weighted Average Cost of Capital?

What is the Weighted Average Cost of Capital?

Have you ever wondered how companies decide if a project is profitable or not? One of the most important indicators in this decision is the Weighted Average Cost of Capital, or WACC. Let's break down what it is and why it is crucial for corporate finance. WACC is a...

Margin is not Return on Investment

Margin is not Return on Investment

I have often been in conversations with entrepreneurs who confuse Profit Margin with Return on Investment when evaluating the financial feasibility of a business. Although sometimes this confusion is caused by simple ignorance, in many others it is motivated by an...



Since immemorable times, the waste collection problem has been one of the main issues present in the Dominican Republic’s socio-political sphere. Due to the lack of waste collection, waste accumulation in the streets has become common and palpable., -This issue has...

Our First 10 Years of Service

Our First 10 Years of Service

Throughout this first decade of operations, our firm has sustained consolidated business decisions of US $ 7.7 billion through 15 different sectors and industries. Beyond the figures, for us this is a time to celebrate the consolidation of our role in promoting innovation in the Dominican Republic, and the sustainable and responsible economic growth to which we aspire.

Understanding Cap Rates

Understanding Cap Rates

CAP RATES es un término corto para “Capitalization Rates”, métrica altamente utilizada en el mundo financiero-inmobiliario a nivel internacional. A través de los CAP RATES, analistas financieros, banqueros, desarrolladores, inversionistas y...

Financial Leverage

Financial Leverage

En finanzas, llamamos apalancamiento financiero a la utilización del endeudamiento para financiar parcialmente la instalación y operación de un negocio. La decisión de utilizar o no el endeudamiento para financiar un negocio, y en qué proporción...

Lower Margin-Higher Volume, Return on Investment

Lower Margin-Higher Volume, Return on Investment

Reducir el Margen para aumentar el Volumen: efecto en el Retorno en la Inversión. En nuestro artículo anterior (Margen No es Retorno) identificamos tres componentes básicos que inciden sobre el Retorno en la Inversión: el Margen de Beneficios,...